Abby Gaudette
More Experience from back in the day...
Past Freelance, Internship, and Volunteer
Audrey Ross/Publicity, New York, New York
Web Designer: Designed and built website for Audrey Ross/Publicity
New York Piano Society, Inc., New York, New York
Web Designer: Designed and built website for non-profit organization for amateur pianists
Misnomer Dance Theater, Brooklyn, New York
Web Designer: Designed and built website for dance company
Parsons + Fernandez-Casteleiro Architects, New York, New York
Web Master: Took existing design and rebuilt entire website making overall structural improvements and increased search potential
The Rose & Charles Foundation, Inc., New York, New York
Graphic Designer: Designed Foundation’s folded mailer brochure with SASE for promotional use
Leah Kreutzer/LKB Dance, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Designer: Designed and built website for Leah Kreutzer and her dance company as well as photography and printed materials
Temple Anshe Amunim, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Web Designer: Restructure, building and new designs for Temple website
Tanglewood, Lenox, Massachusetts
Graphic Designer: Signage for Tanglewood’s Glass House and music store employee
Lenox Softworks, Lenox, Massachusetts
Designer: Aided in the redesign and building of a web-based educational cd-rom.
Berkshire Jewish Voice, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Graphic Designer: Designed advertisements
Driscoll School Extended Day Program, Brookline, Massachusetts
Assistant: Planned group art projects and a video documentary for the Extended Day Program
Anastasia Design, Boston, Massachusetts
Graphic Designer: Research, artwork, design and layout for posters and publications
Pangæa Multimedia, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Graphic Designer: Contributed to a final presentation for a client review, Production for Talbots
Crossett Library, Bennington College, Bennington, Vermont
Technical Services Assistant: Preparing and repairing materials for the shelves, filing, computer inventory, slides
The Guild of Boston Artists, Boston, Massachusetts
Assistant: Exhibition preparation, gallery upkeep, phone coverage, filing customer assistance
The Society of Arts and Crafts, Boston, Massachusetts
Assistant: Assisted in exhibition installations, office management, artist information preparation
​Skills acquired and not used in many years
Welding, flame cutting, forging, jewelry making, ceramic wheel working, printmaking, stage building, knowledge of power tools